Wednesday, January 14, 2009

wordless wednesday

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Its A Corny Life... said...

Ok, seriously, Campbell looks like she's going to be off to college soon! Holy cow she is so grown up. And so cute! Both of them! Let's talk live soon, kay? It's been too long.

Beth said...

Your kids are so darn cute -- they look just like their mommy! Call when you're free, would love to talk and catch up:)

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

They look so cute! Thanks for your encouragement girl, always love to read a comment from you! I totally didn't think about having to take the stroller to the, oh my, that is a fun time. I think we could all do a "new norm" every week since us mamas are always finding ourselves in a new crazy situation and our kiddos are always doing something new :). Talk to you soon...