Wednesday, March 24, 2010

wordless wednesday: subtitles.

Sniff, sniff

Big Sigh!

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Heather Allen said...

Why do they have to grow up? I wish they could stay in the baby phase just a little longer! Sad...

Ms. Latina said...

Thank you for passing by my blog. Seems we both had the same great idea ;)

Isn't it amazing how shoes can tell a life story? I saved a few of my boys shoes and treasure them, especially seeing how my teen is a size 10 and my youngest is size 4 and a half now. The pitter patter of their feet have now become more of a thumping but I treasure those sounds while I can since soon they'll be off to college! *Sigh*

Snowcatcher said...

Oh, you brought out all the oohs and aws in me!